Friday, December 26, 2008

Holiday Highlights :)

Here are a few holiday highlights & pix....
This is the short version, as the holiday is still in progress ;)

First, there was the tedious task of getting through all the airport traffic...

And the copious amounts of snow....there was definitely a lot of it.....

Once I made it through that, I got to the best part of any holiday, which is friends & family, holiday dinners & parties....some pix of me with the girls....

And of course there's these adorable two that I get to play with every holiday wish I could take them with much fun.
"Baby it's cold outside" but inside we're cozy by the fireplace...:)

It's been so great to just relax with the family and catch up on everything.
Be back with more soon. :)
This wonderful gorgeous place is next...
